We’re so caught up in trying to do everything, experience all the essential things, not miss out on anything important…Life is better when we don’t try to do everything. Learn to enjoy the slice of life you experience, and life turns out to be wonderful. – Leo Babauta
Author: virginiaolson
Listen carefully.
If you listen carefully, the silence is beautiful. – Ann Parker
Love life and be happy.
If you want to, you can find a million reasons to hate life and be angry at the world. Or, if you want to, you could find a million reasons to love life and be happy. – Cari Welsh
Be present.
Take a deep breath. Get present in the moment and ask yourself what is important this very second. – Greg McKeown
Know what matters most.
The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we touch one another. – Jack Kornfield
Make calm your superpower.
Calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or takes things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace. – Marc & Angel Chernoff
Take a break.
If you don’t schedule a break your body will take one for you, and it may not come at a convenient time. Keep in mind you need as much Yin in your life as you do Yang. Achieving this balance will leave you with a healthy body, mind & spirit. – Ryan Martin
Enjoy the little things.
You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you. – Andy Warhol
Appreciate beauty.
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad with radiance. – William Sharp
Cultivate calm for clarity.
The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear. – Prasad Mahes